Israeli Planning, Architecture and Development in Africa
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Monrovia Municipality Poster in Honor of P.M Eshkol's Visit
Moshe Pridman- Government Press Office- D691-062
liberia | 1966
more of "photograph"
Poster put up in the streets by the Monrovia municipality in Honor of
Prime minister Eshkol
's Visit to Liberia.
Suggested linked items :
The "Service Civic Feminine" Performing Callisthenics in Honor of P.M. Levy Eshkol
P.M. Levy Eshkol with Wooden Figures as a Souvenir of his Visit
Ducor Palace Hotel Monrovia
The Mansion
Liberian Army Honor Guard Awaiting for the Arrival of Pres. Yitzhak Ben Zvi
Mrs. Miriam Eshkol Joining Idi Amin in a Tribal Dance
Pres. Dr. Kamuzu Banda Presenting P.M. Levy Eshkol with a Leopard Skin